Sunday, January 16, 2011

Temporary Highs;
Always comes when you least expect it to.

So wearing Pointe made my feet cramp like don't know what.
Though it felt somewhat good (not the pain but the accomplishment),
me thinks going on pointe really makes you 6 inches taller.

Was extremely late for The Saturday Service,
blame the rain.

Dinner at some ramen place with the Church mates was really good,
they make me laugh all the time,
but yes I really feel so happy just talking cock with them.
Honestly, we talked about the most random things ever.

And yes,
visited Kelly at U.d.d.e.r.s after that.
Their Earl Grey is really good,
as recommended by Yiling.

It's has this really light taste,
so you don't feel so disgusted after eating it and it doesn't really leave that fattening guilt you have after eating ice cream,
y'know what I mean?

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